Woe is The Accursed Earth, it all started in spring (early summer 2015) when Tom from USA (Batesville, Mississippi) contacted me to see if I would be interested to sing on a couple of songs for a new band/project and shortly after that Woe is the Accursed Earth was born you can say 🙂 And in the summer (July) was our debut demo released (first) by the Russian underground label Narcoleptica Productions as a digital album and quite shorty after also as a digital album + a limited CD pressing on the other Russian underground label CVLMINIS. Both of us have been and is also active with other bands as well, but this band is a bit extra odd and we really love what we doing. Musical genre is damn hard to describe, but guess it is a mix of both black metal and doom metal, but also with a touch of thrash and a bit punk as well and we do it very experimental (atmospheric sometime).
We both are not that young that many others in bands are out there today, hehe….so guess this puts a special mark into our music as well. Can also inform that in December 2015 came also our debut album “The Awakening” out on a limited CD press on CVLMINIS + as digital album. In this year we will also have our debut album out on Salute Records and hopefully some more label as well (we hope), but we have also started to prepare and record for more new songs for the year so we’ll see how the future will look like. In February 2016 will we also have a totally brand new EP ( 3 tracks) called “A Unconditional War” out on Salute Records that will include new and so far unreleased material from late last year.
“hope this info was good enough at least so far”
Woe is the Accursed Earth is:
Tom – All instruments
W.Satanic Tony – Vocals, lyrics + solo guitars
PS. On the track “Equilibrium” from our album “The awakening” is my wife Malin “Big Blondiee” guest singer.
Videos with Woe is the accursed earth can be found here:
Band page: https://www.facebook.com/Woe-Is-The-Accursed-Earth-849734555134415/
Tom´s E-mail: jervis130@gmail.com
Satanic Tony’s E-mail: camazotz.666@gmail.com