Blackened Horde: How did the band get started?
Dan: Sons of Death Valley were formed in the spring of 2012 by Dan(vocals) and Lars(guitar) in the town Slangerup, a little north of Copenhagen. During that summer Lars and Dan were joined by Kim(drums), Stefan(guitar) and Lasse(bass), and thus the band was complete. The following year was spent writing and recording our first full-length album The Day of Reckoning, which we released in January 2014.
Blackened Horde: What kind of music do you play?
Dan: Well I guess we would call it rock ‘n roll hardcore.
Blackened Horde: How has the fan response been?
Dan: It’s been great so far, hopefully it will stay that way.
Blackened Horde: Where did the band name come from?
Dan: Well we wanted a name that also gave you a feeling of what the music would sound like, so we came up with Sons of Death Valley. And it also sounds kinda cool:)
Blackened Horde: Introduce the band members and what they do in the band.
Dan (Vocal)
Lars (Guitar)
Stefan (Guitar)
Lasse (Bass)
Kim (Drums)
Blackened Horde: Who writes the music? Lyrics?
Dan: We all write the music and I write the lyrics.
Blackened Horde: And where do the lyric ideas come from?
Dan: For this record the idea came from the story of Joaquin Murieta. Its a great story, which allowed me to work with the lyrics in a different way than I am use to.
Blackened Horde: What is your view in Satanism and Occultism?
Dan: Well I’m not a fan of any ‘ism whether it’s the one way or the other, but people are free to believe what they want to. As long as the don’t force me to believe in it.
Blackened Horde: How many albums/CD’s have you released?
Dan: This is our first album, but we haven’t made any hard copies. It is only available for online download or streaming.
Blackened Horde: Tell me about some the songs on the latest CD?
Dan: All the songs on this album are important, because they should be seen as a whole. A whole story about a man seeking revenge.
Blackened Horde: Do you have any side projects?
Dan: Nope.
Blackened Horde: Who are some of your musical influences?
Dan: Well it would be Every Time I die, Cancer Bats, Metallica and a little Comeback Kid.
Blackened Horde: Which current bands?
Dan: Same as in question 12.
Blackened Horde: What is the band like when you play live?
Dan: In your face, straight up and no bullshit.
Blackened Horde: Have you guys ever played in another country?
Dan: Not yet, but we are planning a European tour in the fall.
Blackened Horde: How big of crowd shows up at shows usually?
Dan: We’re just getting started and have only played a few shows, so its hard to say. But it’s been good so far:)
Blackened Horde: How is the crowd response when you play?
Dan: The response has been great. The crowd seemed to like it, so we will try to keep that up.
Blackened Horde: What do you think of the US Black Metal/Death Metal scene?
Dan: Honestly I don’t listen to very much Black Metal, US or otherwise, but we have some pretty cool danish “Blackened” bands in Ajuna and Redwood Hill and Hexis.
Blackened Horde: What do you think of the Overseas scenes?
Dan: In general I think they have a lot to offer, and we could learn a lot.
Blackened Horde: What are some of new favorite black metal/death metal bands?
Dan: Again, I really have no answer for that. Sorry.
Blackened Horde: When do you guys plan on writing any new material?
Dan: Not at this moment. For now we have to focus on getting what we have out, and play a shit load of shows.
Blackened Horde: What does the future hold for the band??
Dan: Who knows. Maybe the world:)
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