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Summon: How did the band get started?

Caluco: The band started in mid-2008 for idea of Caluco Roldan. We were a group of friends that we only had fun playing.



Summon: What kind of music do you play?

Caluco: We make a mixture of various genres of music, the idea was always trying to sound different. Looking for something to identifies us, we always try to obey our own tastes when composing our songs. Our music is aggressive, a scream of war, we called aggressive metal.


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Summon: How has the fan response been?

Caluco: Ever since the beginning its been good, in our shows always the people knows the songs and are watching us. We receive all the support from the public and that is important because it motivates us to continue.



Summon: Where did the band name come from?

Caluco: The name Priorato comes from a priority for all of us is the music in character our music. In fact the music gives us the power for the name of the band.



Summon: Introduce the band members and what they do in the band.

Caluco: Priorato are; Caluco Roldan Guitarist and vocalist, Paul Cardona Bassist, Jose Rueda Soundman, Dan Benalcazar drums.


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Summon: Who writes the music? Lyrics?

Caluco: Caluco Is the songwriter.



Summon: And where do the lyric ideas come from?

Caluco: The lyrics talk about the honesty of the moment, talk about things we see today in our world, things that affect us. We try to write things to have any meaning, and not only empty words, I think every song has a clear direct and honest message.



Summon: What is your view in Satanism and Occultism?

Caluco: Is the same as the Christians, we respect every religion and doctrine however we are not followers in use of our music to indoctrinate our fans. In the metal is very trite discuss the idea of religion, we prefer to talk about real things that happen.


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Summon: How many albums/CD’s have you released?

Caluco: We have 2 albums, first “Camino al Priorato”, it was released in December 2009, and the latest is “Negative” released in this year (2012), and in 2008 we recorded a demo Called “Guerra Interna” with 4 songs.



Summon: Tell me about some the songs on the latest CD?

Caluco: Negative is an album that speaks about addiction and the difficult struggle against them. Shot and misconception talk about drug addiction, how the addictions can drive you sick without you realizing. This record supports the idea of being human and making mistakes.



Summon: Do you have any side projects?

Caluco: Priorato is all for us!


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Summon: Who are some of your musical influences?

Caluco: Are varied, we like the metal bands, and many classic bands. We hear things like

Johnny Cash and then The Black Dahlia Murder, as well as the national music of our country (folklore). The real influence when composing comes from the sick mind of a maniac called Priorato, to Priorato the influence is all that anger and rage we feel at some injustices.



Summon: Which current bands?

Caluco: The Black Dahlia Murder, Suicide Silence, and Divine Heresy.



Summon: What is the band like when you play live?

Caluco: The band is very strong aggressive energy, we played as loud as possible from the first song to the last. We scream with all the power each lyric because we feel what we are saying we are not trying to gratify the public, we just do our work.


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Summon: Have you guys ever played in another country?

Caluco: Not for now, we are in plans to tour some South American countries. We hope to have news soon on this topic.



Summon: How big of crowd shows up at shows usually?

Caluco: In Ecuador the public is limited, but is growing but even is limited. In some cases we played to 2,000 people or to 20 people its all the same, although this not has affected us in the least



Summon: How is the crowd response when you play?

Caluco: People move with us, they share our passion and are driven by our music.


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Summon: What do you think of the US Black Metal/Death Metal scene?

Caluco: We think it’s great and very experienced, many bands we like and have influenced us are there. We hope one day we can play on the same stage with those bands and sharing stages!



Summon: What do you think of the Overseas scenes?

Caluco: I believe it is very good, as I said we would like to play for them. We always see great stages with public support the metal that’s really important.



Summon: What are some of new favorite black metal/death metal bands?

Caluco: The Black Dahlia Murder, Divine Heresy, and Suicide Silence.


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Summon: When do you guys plan on writing any new material?

Caluco: We are currently working on the pre-production of our third album. Hope to have it ready for early next year and also hope to have a record label and manager to help us in the work.



Summon: What does the future hold for the band??

Caluco: Hope to continue growing as a band, and to reach a wider audience. We hope that all the work that we do every day  will make us an international band.





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