Pestiferum was formed in 2004 by L’Infâme (Guitar) and Spernax l’Abject (Vocals) in south of France. They treat about illness, medieval and inquisition.
In 2006 they issued the first démo
In 2009, a pagan full length, “Solstice d’Hiver”
In 2010, they come back to pure black metal style with a split between, Luci Tristis and Sigillum Diabolicum
In 2013, they issued a new split with Fhoi Myore
The same year a new full length about plague have released, “Les Déchus du Fléau” on Hassweg Records.
The actual members are:
– Spernax l’abject (Vocals)
– L’Infâme (Guitar)
– Cerfzébuth (Drums)
– Balkor (Bass)
– Le Bouilleur d’Enfants (Guitar)