

Blackened Horde: How did the band get started?

Arcanus Incubus: Hanormale was born in 2009 as a duo. Arcanus incubus and Rodvin. In the very beginning our music was different, a more traditional black metal contaminated by elements of oriental music and Japan’s culture.



Blackened Horde: What kind of music do you play?

Arcanus Incubus: Nowadays Hanormale plays unconventional black metal, contaminated with jazz, dark ambient doom and progressive. All following a line of improvisation and irrational free will.



Blackened Horde: How has the fan response been?

Arcanus Incubus: Hanormale is an underground band, so it’s not always easy to reach hypothetical listeners. Let’s say that no one has ever remained indifferent to our proposal. Those who know us often adore us. We had incredible reviews of the latest album ‘Reborn in Butterfly‘, even with ratings of 100/100.



Blackened Horde: Where did the band name come from?

Arcanus Incubus: The band name doesn’t mean anything, it’s a word that doesn’t exist. But it’s similar the term ‘abnormal’. It comes close to creating something different and new. A new word to create a new musical genre!



Blackened Horde: Introduce the band members and what they do in the band.

The actual Hanormale Lineup:

Arcanus Incubus: Synths, guitars, programming, FX, backing vocals

Ste Naked: Bass

Deimos: Guitars

Marco Zambruni: Extreme drums

Mox Cristadoro: Groovy drums

Alessandro Mori: Additional drums and industrial percussion

Zrcadlo: Violin, effects

Aldous ‘Big Boss’ Colciago: Clean vocals

Arghangel Martyryum 999: Dirty vocals

Stefano Ferian: Sax



Blackened Horde: How many albums/CD’s have you released?

Arcanus Incubus: We made 4 albums:

Oni Monogatari‘ released on the independent label ‘Vomit Arcanus Productions‘ in 2010;

Amaterasu Omikami‘ in 2015 with ‘Dusktone‘, a very particular record because it is a single 40-minute song supported by constant blast beats and extreme improvisations, even with flute, viola and didgeridoo.

Reborn in Butterfly‘ in 2019 again with ‘Dusktone

In 2020 we restored the first album, releasing it only digitally with ‘Dusktone‘ with the title of ‘Oni Monogatari, a Subsequent Decade‘.

Nowadays we have finished the recordings of our new work, at my ADSR DECIBEL studio (where I have produced many artists, such as Schizo, Ancient, Stormcrow, Imago Mortis, Daemoniac, Devoid of Thoughts, Amalekim…) and we are evaluating some proposals for its publication.



Blackened Horde: Tell me about some of the songs on the latest CD?

Arcanus Incubus: The new album is still unreleased but I can reveal something …

The first song is inspired by the book ‘the lord of the flies‘ by William Golding, and is one of the most violent songs on the album.

In another very experimental song (where the drums played are made up of bins) we were inspired by ‘Tetsuo, the Iron Man‘.

There is no shortage of references to Japanese demonology, where we go to tell the story of a ‘Mamedonuki‘, a demon that turns into a giant scrotal pouch….

Vegetarianism themes will also be addressed and there will be a cover of one of the most popular rock songs in a satanic way… but it’s still early to reveal everything!



Blackened Horde: Who writes the music? Lyrics?

Arcanus Incubus: Our songwriting is very particular.

For ‘Amaterasu Omikami‘ we all improvised for 40 minutes.

In ‘Reborn in Butterfly‘ the musical part was born by recording some drum grooves with Mox Cristadoro, from those I generated the synth bases on which everyone put their personal interpretation.

The last recording was born from some ideas of Deimos, he had some guitar riffs aside that he wanted to use in the project… we started from these to arrange the whole album.

Usually then I add the lyrics, which are suggested to me by the mood of the songs.



Blackened Horde: And where do the lyric ideas come from?

Arcanus Incubus: As I said before I let myself be inspired by music to write the lyrics. the topics range from Japanese demonology to very personal philosophical concepts, all under a provocative veil.



Blackened Horde: What is your view in Satanism and Occultism? (If this applies)

Arcanus Incubus: I have often spoken of Satanism in the lyrics of ‘Hanormale‘.

Satan is a status symbol‘ is the title of a song contained in ‘Reborn in Butterfly‘ which perfectly explains my point of view. Hanormale prefers to elevate individualism rather than fashionable Satanism. I am not an expert in occultism, but I have a lot of respect for the forces around us.



Blackened Horde: Do you have any side projects?

Arcanus Incubus: Many of us have other bands. in fact we define ourselves as a collective of musicians, not a real band.

Deviate Damaen, Monumentum, Mystical Fullmoon, Mortuarium, Mechanical God Creation, Christadoro, Trerrote, Total Death, Trewa, Primo Sangue, Psycophagist, Syk, Devoid of Thought…. are some of the bands in which we play or have played in.



Blackened Horde: Who are some of your musical influences?

Arcanus Incubus: We draw inspiration from our subconscious to create Hanormale’s music. Falling into a sort of hypnosis we modulate our thoughts and transform them into concrete actions. We have not defined musical influences, even if everything starts from Scandinavian black metal.



Blackened Horde: What is the band like when you play live?

Arcanus Incubus: For us it is complicated to perform live, we are many and the songs are extremely articulated. At the moment we did only one concert, which you can see in full on youtube at this address:




Blackened Horde: Have you guys ever played in another country?

Arcanus Incubus: Not yet. perhaps with the release of the next album we will try to match a series of suitable shows, and see where they take us.



Blackened Horde: How big of a crowd do you normally get?

Arcanus Incubus: Very small. We are extremely underground and we are not a known band. Maybe no one is interested in seeing us play live, our listeners prefer to be captivated by our recordings…



Blackened Horde: How is the crowd response when you play?

Arcanus Incubus: During the only concert we did, the audience was simply blown away and incredulous. Seeing is believing! Go on YouTube to have a look, and try to hold out until the end of the exhibition.



Blackened Horde: What do you think about the underground scene?

Arcanus Incubus: There is a very good underground scene. I produce a lot of bands in my studio and I rarely find myself in front of bad material. The important thing is to make the most of your music with adequate productions. Recording studios and producers are there for that! if you need info about my studio: https://www.facebook.com/groups/154840938529



Blackened Horde: What are some of your new favorite Extreme metal bands?

Arcanus Incubus: Lately I listen a lot to Odraza, Enlaved, Solsfatir, The Ruins of Beverast, Oranssi Pazuzu…. but also a lot of music not related to metal.



Blackened Horde: Since the Covid Pandemic has that hurt the band in making music at all?

Arcanus Incubus: The pandemic has blocked live events and destroyed the work of the recording studios. It has been 2 dramatic years for music, but slowly it seems to me that everything is recovering. Now you have to get busy and start dreaming again (Tomorrow I work at Marduk live in Italy….)



Blackened Horde: What advice would you as a musician give to a fellow musician just starting out?

Arcanus Incubus: Don’t copy anyone, don’t be afraid to be yourself, look for new solutions! And take care of your productions. Guitar rig and superior drummer are fine for a pre-production, but when you have to record you have to turn to a recording studio and professionals staff. Otherwise you will have only bad results that will nullify your good ideas. Go and listen to some tracks I have produced to have an idea: https://open.spotify.com/user/doyue7gg5c3pn2zdfp5ucyu6x/playlist/6rvoayfU6n8cjTLui5XasB?si=vi1U95FpR0WZzsJi9Klxyw



Blackened Horde: When do you guys plan on writing any new material?

Arcanus Incubus: As I said before we have just finished recording the new record. For the time being, we don’t have any plans to create new songs. We just want to spread the new songs in the best way.



Blackened Horde: What does the future hold for the band??

Arcanus Incubus: Hanormale has a changing soul. Everything may change in the future, and surely everything will change. We have already changed a lot in this latest release, and we don’t know if the critics will support it or will destroy it. The future is always uncertain in the Hanormale house!



many thanx for support us!

Arcanus Incubus





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