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Summon: How did the band get started?

Dunkelheit: Actually date of creation of group is August, 2006, but because of search of style, sounding and musicians, actively the group began work only in 2008.



Summon: What kind of music do you play?

Ulver: As we fans of absolutely various music, we did not begin to stop on one accurately directed style. We have decided to unite the general interest to a melancholy, depression, atmosphere and to splash out all it in our music.



Summon: How has the band response been?

Dunkelheit: From the edition of the first album “Eternity Lake” on the Internet has dispersed Positive

responses about our music, but not without criticism. There were disputes apropos Music stylistics, the listener differently perceived a genre of our creativity, Began to compare to other groups, such as: Drudkh, Raventale, Burzum, Nyktalgia



Summon: Where did the band name come from?

Ulver: The word “Asklepia” is taken from “the Almanac not Learnt”, it bears behind itself sense of doctoring- treatment, basically we have not given special value to this sense of a word, we simply liked the name, but by one listener has been noticed that the sense of the name of group is reflected in our music.



Summon: Introduce the band members

Dunkelheit: Dunkelheit – vocal (album “Eternity Lake”), guitar, bass guitar, keys, programming shock.

Ulver – guitar.

Throthylle – vocal, bass guitar.

Death Armor – vocal.

Moro – drums.

Besides group ASKLEPIA, I am the bass guitarist black metal groups Necrolatreia. Throthylle bass guitarist Melodic Death Metal of group Abyss Asylum. Death Armor the vocalist of group Abyss Asylum. Moro the drummer in group Merry Makin ‘.




Summon: Who writes the music? Lyrics?

Dunkelheit: Music is written by me and Ulver . The lyrics on the first album were written by my old friend Fenrir, except one composition “Call of waves”, written Throthylle. On the second album (which shortly leaves), the lyrics has been written basically Throthylle, except three compositions written Fenrir , Death Armor and me.



Summon: And where do the lyric ideas come from?

Dunkelheit: On an album “Eternity Lake” the lyrics was composed only after music writing. That that at me associated with music, I wanted that it was reflected in the lyric poet. My idea has caught Fenrir so texts which unite in itself the mysticism of the nature and the dark omanticism of night were born.



Summon: How many albums/cd’s have you released?

Dunkelheit: For so not an operating time considerable quantity, we had time to let out only one album “Eternity Lake”.



Summon: Tell me about some the songs on the latest CD?

Dunkelheit: the Composition “Withering” narrates about inevitable death in the nature. ” The loneliness cold” is a condition status of emptiness, with immersing in depression. Revelation of the person destroying from within.




Summon: Who are some of your musical influences?

Dunkelheit: As I the big fan Atm. Black\Depressive Black Metal, I listen to enough considerable quantity of groups playing this direction and on our music had the greatest influence such groups: Burzum, Shining, Drudkh, recently to the list have increased Post Metal groups Cult Of Luna, AmenRa, Isis.



Summon: Which current bands?

Dunkelheit: I find it difficult to answer, most likely, what.



Summon: What is the band like when you play live?

Dunkelheit: We like groups which completely merge with the music from which there is a power.



Summon: Have you guys ever played in another country?

Dunkelheit: Unfortunately, no. Presently is problematic enough to leave with a concert in other country but if we have invited with conditions arranging us we with pleasure would arrive.




Summon: How big of crowd shows up at shows usually?

Throthylle: While the group only has begun the concert activity. Initially we at all did not wish to step on the stage, but such all the same Happens. And most advantageously to begin with! The first concert is won back by us recently. Day was holiday, advertising as routinely almost was absent. True judges of black art have come only. It is necessary to tell that at us In country towns the metal culture, particularly prospers far not Black art is in a rigid underground, it is frequent informally it is forbidden. And we had to test on ourselves persecution by people not understanding an essence of our business any time back that considerably and has affected our creativity recently. People do not wish to understand, their this business, their problems.



Summon: How is the crowd response when you play?

Throthylle: Listeners completely become impregnated with spirit and atmosphere of music of “Asklepia” At concerts +



Summon: What is your opinion on death metal bands and black metal band? What is your opinion on the conflict of Black Metal Vs Death Metal?

Throthylle: Black Metal mine the passion and madness already is a lot of years. I love crude, Rigid Black (Raw, True), I love Depressive Black Metal. However, in due course, as the musician, at me has a requirement for more difficult in respect of execution and heavy music, and it is not rare in we wash a player appear Brutal-Death Metal, Grindcore, Goregrind collectives. The second group in which I play performs classical Death Metal; I am the old admirer of creativity of many collectives playing Death Metal. If to tell about the conflict of these two styles, me it in parallel. I play and I listen to that is pleasant to me and somehow I am indifferent to these conflicts.



Summon: What do you think of the U.S. scene?

Throthylle: Unequivocally, metal scene of the USA is more powerful than a scene of the Russian Federation, but in my opinion is far not the most powerful in the world in respect of the black threw. But in the plan brutal metal commands it still it is possible to argue.



Summon: What do you think of the overseas scenes?

Throthylle: In the western countries, in Europe the scene is more opened to general public and is not present such complexities what are tested by us. The rigid underground was always and will be in all countries, is not dependent on the state.



Summon: Any plans on writing any new material?

Dunkelheit: There are ideas to experiment with a sound, with styles, having left atmosphere and melancholic mood of music.



Summon: What does the future hold for the band??

Dunkelheit: In the future we plan to write and let out the third album under the account, to let out split with group “Black Lakes”, as far as possible to act in the nearest cities of Russia.





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